Instagramaccount takebackpostpartum deelt échte post-bevallingslijven (en dus geen onmogelijk strakke buiken)

05.06.2019 04:55
Instagramaccount takebackpostpartum deelt échte post-bevallingslijven (en dus geen onmogelijk strakke buiken)

Als je Instagram of Facebook moet geloven, zijn de meeste moeders bijna direct na de bevalling weer strak, bevallig (ha!) en up and running. Op mooi uitgelichte foto’s zien we serene moeders, gekapt en gemake-upt, met hun nieuwe baby’s op de arm. Maar even eerlijk: zo voelden wij ons dus écht niet vlak na de bevalling.

Natuurlijk wil je graag een mooie foto, dat snappen wij ook. Maar laten we niet vergeten dat er onder die Instagramwaardige façade hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook gewoon gezwollen borsten en striae schuilgaan. Je lichaam verandert nou eenmaal door een zwangerschap en een bevalling, en als vrouw kan het moeilijk zijn om daar aan te wennen. Daarom is er nu Instagramaccount takebackpostpartum. Via dit account kunnen vrouwen hun échte post-bevallingslijf delen.

De vrouwen op takebackpostpartum zijn 100% eerlijk over hun lijf en hun onzekerheden. Een verademing ten opzichte van de rooskleurige social media-waardige foto’s van platte buiken die je geregeld ziet langskomen. In plaats van de (vaak) onhaalbare perfectie van deze foto’s zien moeders bij takebackpostpartum foto’s waarin ze zichzelf kunnen herkennen, en die hen kunnen helpen bij het accepteren van hun eigen (veranderde) lijf.

“I’ve been wanting to share this for awhile now. Almost everyday, I receive messages from other Mums asking me how I look the way that I do. How I got my ‘pre baby body’ back. Here’s the truth ladies – I DIDN’T. I have the excess skin. I don’t have stomach definition the way I used to. My hips are a little wider. I don’t want there to be any misconceptions. My body did not just ‘bounce back’. Now having said that, I work very hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to FEEL good in my skin. I may not ever look the way I did before I had the twins. And you know what? I’m OK with that. _ I have arms. I have legs. I can see, hear and experience life. My body has done amazing things, why on earth would I punish it? _ Learn to appreciate what you have. It doesn’t mean you have to stop working for what you want, just show a little self love along the way.” 💕@twinmamadiaries #takebackpostpartum

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•B o d y P o s i t i v e• At almost 4 months postpartum, this is my body today. I’m not one of the women who can just ‘bounce back’ after having a baby. I’ve gone back and forth I don’t know how many times about posting this photo. I’ve been trying my best not to get down about my body since having Holden, but it’s been a bit hard at times. There are days when I feel pretty good about myself, and then there are days where I don’t even want to look in the mirror. But every time I start feeling poorly about my body, I remind myself that I just GREW A HUMAN inside of me. For nearly 10 months, my body changed and grew a little more every day with a growing baby inside of it. And that feeling trumps any and all of the poor feelings I have about myself. It makes me snuggle her a little harder and look at her a little longer. Because for me, motherhood isn’t about getting my body back or being able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. It’s about spending every moment possible loving on my precious babe and building that special bond with her. 🖤 Words and image by @august.bea. • • • #postpartum #postpartumbody #nobounceback #thisisme #webothhaverolls #mombod #bodypositive #igrewahumaninthere #takebackpostpartum

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @takebackpostpartum op

“I still don’t think I have really come to terms with my new body, while it’s easy to adopt the attitude ‘out of sight, out of mind’ – they are definitely not out of mind. It’s selfish I know, others are having issues falling pregnant and I’m moaning about my stretch marks, marks which without, I wouldn’t have my kids. I am truly grateful for my children. My stretch marks are bad. They look like I’ve been attacked by a wild animal (maybe that’d be a better story to roll with). They’re deep and almost look like burns. I know they will fade over time but I think with the extent of them, it’s likely they’ll always be quite prominent. The tattoo is ruined, but I am not bothered as I hated it anyway. I heard a quote the other day, “For every woman who hates her stretch marks there is a woman wishing she had them”. It really got me thinking. Thinking about the new body I have. I am thankful everyday, don’t get me wrong. The stretch marks a part of me now, a part I am yet to fully accept. Whilst I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my body is most certainly not the same but I am OK with that. Am I really? Yes and no. I wish I didn’t have my stretch marks but they also tell a story and I now have two beautiful children to show for it. It’s funny because I weigh the same but I am different size and body shape now, my boobs went from a C to a DD and I am not even breastfeeding anymore. I don’t fit any of my old clothes and I can’t stand anything that is tight fitting, although I never did, to be honest. 3 months on from baby #2 and I don’t think I can say I ‘love’ my body but I am coming to terms with the fact that this is my body now. Not everybody gets stretch marks, yay you. I did, and it’s really not the end of the world. It’s my body, there is fuck all I can do to change it so I just have to deal with it and learn to accept it. So here I am, baring it all to you. If anybody else is in the same boat you’ll now you are not alone. It’s tough, I won’t lie. I feel sad when I see people bounce back from their pregnancies. I don’t wish for a perfect body, I just wish I could be comfortable and confident in myself. It will come with time I am sure.” @jessbovey

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @takebackpostpartum op

“No more bump shots so me and Margot have had a little selfie instead. One week postpartum and I can honestly say it’s been a lot harder than I ever thought. After having an emergency c-section and delivering Nellie 3 months early I though our full term, planned section would be a breeze. Well in no way have I “bounced back” like I did with Nellie. Will my belly button always look like a cats bum hole? 😆 It’s been a lot easier emotionally but I still cry at least once a day over absolutely nothing and man my poor boobies are running like taps, everything is soaked in breast milk, Margot loves a comfort feed so I’ve spent the last 7 days with her hanging of my nipple whilst contending with Nellie and now this silly blood pressure problem. How an earth do you mummas with more than two do it? Not that I would have it any other way, I’m still utterly and blissfully in baby paradise. There really is nothing I’d rather be doing than mothering my two girls.” @sageandnellie . . . #postpartum #1weekold #1weekpostpartum #4thtrimester #newborn #babygirl #toddlermum #mumoftwo #takebackpostpartum

Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @takebackpostpartum op

Bron: Scary Mommy

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