14 Ouders die exact verwoorden wat wij allemaal denken

Gedeelde smart is halve smart, en daar weten deze grappige ouders alles van.
1. ‘I like big butts and i cannot… o wacht’
I didn’t realize 80% of song lyrics were inappropriate until I had to listen to them in the car with my kids.
— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) 8 juni 2018
2. In het begin ben je niets anders dan een wandelende voermachine
eventually i will be my son’s mother, but currently i am just a 24hr breastaurant
— rachel axler (@rachelaxler) 11 juni 2018
3. Een zeer slecht plan
I’ve put kazoos in goodie bags, don’t talk to me about regret.
— Lurkin’ Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) 12 juni 2018
4. ‘Meneer, heeft u ook gepoept?’
Loudly, in line at the ice cream shop:
👦🏼 why is everybody else here?
👩🏻 Same reason as you, they’re getting ice cream!
👦🏼 because they all pooped on the potty too??— Dave Learns Dadding (@DaveLearnsToDad) 13 juni 2018
5. Ah, de relaxerende achtergrondgeluiden van het strand
Top 5 best things about the beach:
1. Sight of the waves
2. Smell of the salt air
3. Feel of the sand in your toes
4. Taste of a cold drink
5. Sound of another mom yelling “I JUST WANT TO RELAX FOR 5 MINUTES” when you’re there without kids.— SpacedMom (@copymama) 10 juni 2018
6. Een accurate beschrijving
Really enjoying the fact that my four year old refers to all cacti as “sharpies”.
— dadpression (@Dadpression) 10 juni 2018
7. ‘Maar wat nou als er vuur komt…?’
I say “it’s time for bed.”
My kid hears “time to discuss our family disaster preparedness plan for every crisis imaginable.”
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) 11 juni 2018
8. Tijdens de zomervakantie bestaan er geen regels
[Summer Break 11:25 AM]
12 year old: I just woke up and had breakfast but yes.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) 11 juni 2018
9. Er schreeuwt hier in huis maar een iemand, en dat is je moeder
“Apologize for yelling at your mother. We don’t yell at her, she yells at us.”
-my husband, clearly the only person who understands the rules around here
— Lauren Mullen (@DraggingFeeties) 8 juni 2018
10. Binnenkort vragen ze om eenhoornpannenkoeken en glitteryoghurt
My toddler wants “pink eggs” for breakfast & I have no idea what that is, but I know it’s going to be all downhill from here.
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) 9 juni 2018
11. Een zeer verontrustend idee
today my eight-year-old son said ‘what if the tooth fairy was real and she was collecting the teeth to build an army of teeth-people’
— Saladin Ahmed (@saladinahmed) 10 juni 2018
12. Genoeg is genoeg
My children are good at a lot of things, but they’re best at reminding me I couldn’t handle one more child.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) 15 juni 2018
13. Het leukste aan bugles
Me, to kids: “Stop playing with your food!”
Also Me: so excited after buying a bag of Bugles so I can wear them on my fingers like claws.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) 13 juni 2018
14. Een talent voorbehouden aan peuters
My 3-year-old has figured out how to be super annoying without actually misbehaving. How quickly the student becomes the teacher.
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) 15 juni 2018
Bron: Huffington Post
LEES OOK: 21 Tweets van ouders die de waarheid niet schuwen