17 x overtuigend bewijs dat je kinderen hebt (herken jij ze allemaal?)

Wel of geen kinderen is echt een wereld van verschil. Om dit te illustreren is de hashtag #ItsApparentYouAreAParent in het leven geroepen. Hieronder een paar van de grappigste kandidaten.
1. Dit level van vermoeidheid is echt ongekend
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent if you get less sleep now than you did when you were partying in your early 20’s
— Jo Keskills (@jokeskills) August 11, 2017
2. Weet je hoe-veel pijn dat doet?
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when you call out of work with Lego related foot injuries.
— David E (@DaSkrambledEgg) August 11, 2017
3. May the odds be ever in your favor
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when you give a Hunger Games salute to another parent as they escape out the door of walmart w/their crying child
— I’m Crystal (@MomCris77) August 11, 2017
4. Dit doen we al-le-maal
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent Despite the law of physics, your arm would keep your child in their seat in a car crash. pic.twitter.com/peUBFlk6E1
— Rob Noblin (@JRNoblin) August 11, 2017
5. Lekker wakker worden
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when you find tiny feet on your face in the middle of the night
— Jimish (@jimishbathia) August 11, 2017
6. Oe, doe maar sjiek.
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when chicken strips is considered gourmet food
— Jeff Dwoskin (@bigmacher) August 11, 2017
7. Zachtjes!
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when eating cookies becomes a covert operation. pic.twitter.com/rjS1r0jauw
— Agatha Chocolats (@AgathaChocolats) August 11, 2017
8. Die. Rust.
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when you get a babysitter for the weekend, and you just sit in your house and appreciate the sound of no kids.
— тнαт ѕσ¢¢єя мσм ⚽️ (@chivelicious) August 11, 2017
9. Heel even op Facebook kijken
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent You lock yourself in the bathroom to get some alone time.
— Kerry Tedder (@KeshaTedder) August 11, 2017
10. Dit geeft je gemengde gevoelens
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when you get mad your three year old says “fuck” but you are proud that they used it correctly
— Truly Awesome Darren (@TheTrueDocLove) August 11, 2017
11. Je weet hoe het voelt
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent you dont complain about the crying kid on the plane because you feel the mother’s pain
— Eric Schmeric (@HepatitisAtoZ) August 11, 2017
12. Je dacht dat je dit nooit zou doen
When you start to say ridiculous things like “wait until your father gets home” and “because I said so”.#ItsApparentYouAreAParent
— I’m Shucked! (@Aricka_Shuck) August 11, 2017
13. De grijze haren komen ineens in bosjes
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent if you are ageing at an accelerated rate. pic.twitter.com/72dy5Sa7bp
— Nolene Dougan (@NoleneDougan) August 11, 2017
14. Goedkoper dan een therapeut
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent. Your therapy is ‘wine’!
— Jude D (@heyitsJudeD) August 11, 2017
15. ‘Wat zit daar nou voor groens?’
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when there’s playdoh in your hair. At work.
— Foxxy (@The_Foxxy1) August 11, 2017
16. Het houdt niet op, niet vanzelf…
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent if your sink reminds you of the Eiffel Tower pic.twitter.com/kB0Ekybglm
— Christina (@Cgtv0) August 11, 2017
17. Dit wordt echt een zesde zintuig
#ItsApparentYouAreAParent when you can tell from the pitch, tonality, and frequency of a cry how serious the situation is.
— Romey Bails (@PepperJackin74) August 11, 2017
Bron: Buzzfeed
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