20x Overtuigend bewijs dat kinderen keihard zijn
Het lijken van die engeltjes, maar ondertussen proberen ze je kapót te maken!
1. Dit is op zijn minst verontrustend
My 2yo said she is a grown up. I told her she isn’t, that she is a toddler. She replied, “No, I’m a grown up. I’m going to touch knives.”
— Jess (@jessokfine) June 29, 2015
2. Ze trekken vreemde conclusies
3. Ze kunnen nooit eens discreet zijn
4. Ze zijn ronduit gemeen
When you ask a 1st grade class to write letters to people in a nursing home… pic.twitter.com/g2yEaoR6IF
— Anna (@annaszpalik14) September 10, 2016
5. Autsj!
Me: “See this? It’s a fossil of a fish that lived FIFTY MILLION YEARS AGO!”
7yo: “So you were almost born then, right?”— ReasonsMySonIsCrying (@ReasonsMySonCry) May 11, 2017
6. Ssshhttt!
Standing in line at the store. 4 yr old daughter told man I LIKE YOUR TEETH B/C THEY’RE MY FAVORITE COLOR YELLOW. I still die to this day. https://t.co/qGFysBru9y
— ARiES RAiNE (@ariesraine) July 30, 2017
7. Ze vertellen je altijd de waarheid
8yo: Adult polar bears can weigh almost 1,000 pounds.
Me: Wow.
8yo: Yeah, that’s almost twice as much as you.
Me: . . .
8yo: What? It is.— keith (@tchrquotes) September 2, 2016
8. En die waarheid is vaak hard
Son: Mom you look like you’re 20 …
Me: Awwwww
Son: … thousand years old.— Deva Dalporto (@mylifesuckers) July 11, 2016
9. En bedankt…
10: Mom what’s a metaphor?
Me: My life is a train wreck.
10: I know Mom, but what is a metaphor?
— Sardonic Tart♋ (@SardonicTart) December 12, 2014
10. Doe je ook een keer je best
11. Double hit!
4: Mommy, you’re just like a Disney movie. We should play pretend.
Me: Aww! Sure!
4:You can be the Beast.
Me: …
4: Or the fat sea witch!— Marlebean (@Marlebean) April 17, 2014
12. ehh, wat?
13. Ook hun mede-kinderen ontsnappen niet aan hun gemeenheid
14. Je wilt het niet eens weten
4yo son said the word prototype. When I asked him what it meant, he said “People are a prototype” and I was too scared to ask what he meant.
— Kristin (@FeralCrone) February 7, 2015
15. Creepy
16. Oke, Drs. Little Butt Baby
Just got called a “little butt baby” by a 6 yr old at the playground. Told him I had a PhD in theoretical physics. Didn’t change his mind.
— Brian Wecht (@bwecht) May 5, 2015
17. Ze zijn nog gemener dan Gordon in Hotter than my Daughter
Me: Please get dressed.
9yo: But you’re still in your pajamas!
Me: I AM dressed.
9yo: Is that what you’re calling [waves palm at me] this?— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) September 1, 2016
18. Of Gordon Ramsay
Me: We all make mistakes.
5: Even you?
Me: Yep
5: Oh yeah! Like when you’re trying to cook food that tastes good but then it doesn’t?— Lurkin’ Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) April 15, 2016
19. Ze laten het niet na je constant te herinneren aan je leeftijd
20. En ze zijn niet bang geweld te gebruiken
6YR OLD: does it hurt, daddy?
ME: [with a tissue up my nose to stop the bleeding] yes
6: good…that’ll teach you not to eat my ice cream
— Andy Hardy (@AndyAsAdjective) August 17, 2016
Bron: Buzzfeed
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