Wat je als kind dacht vs. wat je nu denkt

Er wordt altijd gezegd dat het ouderschap álles verandert. Als je nu denkt aan je eigen jeugddromen, meningen en prioriteiten vs. die van je ouders komt dit extra duidelijk naar voren. En inderdaad, het perspectief maakt nogal veel uit. Dingen die je als kind geweldig of juist verschrikkelijk vond kunnen nu precíes het tegenovergestelde in je losmaken.
In deze enorm grappige en realistische ouder-tweets herken je je vast precies.
When I was a kid, I longed for the weekend. Now that I'm a parent, I wish that the work week would never end.
— BadParentingMoments (@BPMbadassmama) July 15, 2016
As a kid, I always wondered why my mom never wore the macaroni necklace I made her to work. And now I'm a mom and I'm like, Oh. OK.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) May 9, 2017
When I was a kid watching leading ladies in Disney movies, I never imagined I'd grow up to relate most to the one scrubbing floors.
— Domestic Goddess (@DomesticGoddss) April 28, 2017
Parenting is scolding your 6yo for eating just the marshmallows out of his Lucky Charms even though it's exactly what you did as a kid.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) July 19, 2017
When I was a kid, "Home Alone" sounded like a nightmare, but now as an parent, it sounds like a dream come true.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) November 25, 2017
If I had a time machine I'd travel back in time and take all of the naps I refused to take when I was a kid.
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) March 17, 2017
My father used to make me go on long family bike rides when I was a kid and I hated it, so naturally I force my kids to do the same.
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) July 21, 2017
Something I've learned as a parent is that doing homework sucked when I was a kid, but forcing your own kid do homework sucks so much worse
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) May 3, 2016
Watching children’s tv shows as a kid: ‘this is fun!’
Watch them as a parent: ‘What’s the weirdest subtext I can impose on this simple show to complicate it?’ #parenting— TwistedDoodles (@twisteddoodles) July 5, 2018
Summer as a parent: Why TF isn't school year-round? This is hell.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) May 25, 2018
When I was younger, I got excited when Halloween fell on a Friday. Now it means I'm stuck with kids hopped up on sugar all weekend.
— stephanie mcmaster (@Smethanie) October 25, 2014
When I was little I always wondered why moms had flat butts. Now I realize it's a consequence of sitting at kids sporting events for hours.
— Momma of Midgard (@MidgardMomma) April 16, 2015
When I was a kid I tried to memorize pi. Since I've had kids I try to remember my own phone number.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) March 14, 2017
When I was a kid, I was scared my parents were gonna walk in on me doing something bad. Now I'm a dad & I'm terrified my kid will catch me.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) October 28, 2013
When I was a kid I’d go to public places and I’d be like, “How are you missing game and puzzle pieces?” but now that I have kids, I totally I get it.
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) May 9, 2018
When I was a kid I thought my mom had a drinking problem. Now I realize she drank because she had a kid problem.
— Mommy Owl (@Mommy__Owl) January 29, 2016
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