27 Kinderen die wel heel creatief met de waarheid omspringen

Jon Bois, een sportjournalist uiet de Verenigde Staten, vroeg zijn volgers onlangs op Twitter wat de meest bizarre leugen is die ze ooit als kind hadden gehoord van een ander kind. De antwoorden hier op waren hilarisch:
A kid told me he had a real pikachu then yelled at me when I had too many questions.
— Glenn (@plus_sign) October 9, 2018
My friend told me he got NSYNC’s autograph and when he showed it to me it was just the word NSYNC written on a post-it note
— Dominick Kane (@DomKaneNFL) October 9, 2018
In 2nd grade a girl proudly told the class her family had visited the moon, even doubled down when the teacher pushed back. She went on to be our class president
— Goner Martin (@MrConorMartin) October 9, 2018
that round wheels hadn’t made it to alaska yet, so all the vehicles there still have square wheels
— Ichabod Tayne (@Nude_Tayne) October 9, 2018
Some kid told the entire class his first day at the school, that he got to fly an airplane in the summer. The pilot even let him shoot down some other planes
— Greg (@gerg607) October 9, 2018
This kid told me scientists had resurrected dinosaurs. He showed me a picture of one. They had found a mosquito preserved in amber and extracted the DNA. Then I saw Jurassic Park. Confronted the kid, he told me that the scientists got the idea from the movie.
— Nick Taylor (@michaelarato) October 9, 2018
This kid told me scientists had resurrected dinosaurs. He showed me a picture of one. They had found a mosquito preserved in amber and extracted the DNA. Then I saw Jurassic Park. Confronted the kid, he told me that the scientists got the idea from the movie.
— Nick Taylor (@michaelarato) October 9, 2018
This kid told me scientists had resurrected dinosaurs. He showed me a picture of one. They had found a mosquito preserved in amber and extracted the DNA. Then I saw Jurassic Park. Confronted the kid, he told me that the scientists got the idea from the movie.
— Nick Taylor (@michaelarato) October 9, 2018
This kid told me scientists had resurrected dinosaurs. He showed me a picture of one. They had found a mosquito preserved in amber and extracted the DNA. Then I saw Jurassic Park. Confronted the kid, he told me that the scientists got the idea from the movie.
— Nick Taylor (@michaelarato) October 9, 2018
A friend told me he’d killed a grown man with a Swiss Army Knife and I was so horrified that I couldn’t eat for two days
— Carta Monir (@CartaMonir) October 9, 2018
Me and another kid had an entire conversation that was entirely about people who had accidentally been killed by the animatronics at Rainforest Cafe. We were both trading off made up scenarios of these people dying and neither of us would admit we were lying to each other
— Justin™ (@drifter1717) October 9, 2018
Me and another kid had an entire conversation that was entirely about people who had accidentally been killed by the animatronics at Rainforest Cafe. We were both trading off made up scenarios of these people dying and neither of us would admit we were lying to each other
— Justin™ (@drifter1717) October 9, 2018
Me and another kid had an entire conversation that was entirely about people who had accidentally been killed by the animatronics at Rainforest Cafe. We were both trading off made up scenarios of these people dying and neither of us would admit we were lying to each other
— Justin™ (@drifter1717) October 9, 2018
This kid Logan in elementary school told me his dad was Metallica. Not a member of Metallica. His dad was the band.
— Jake Ace Meier (@JimmerMeier) October 9, 2018
This kid Logan in elementary school told me his dad was Metallica. Not a member of Metallica. His dad was the band.
— Jake Ace Meier (@JimmerMeier) October 9, 2018
one kid convinced me that MY dad worked for nintendo
— ALCSHNDER™✪ (@1STROS) October 9, 2018
We were in high school, but this dude swore up and down that he was doing 95 on the interstate, a Corvette went by at like 120, with cops in hot pursuit, and the cop slowed down to hold up a sign saying “I’d pull you over but I have to go get that murderer.”
— THS (@tarheelsooner) October 9, 2018
A kid told me that he was running through the woods and saw a snake in front of him, to his left, and to his right. They came at him, so he jumped and grabbed a branch and made them bonk heads. He then escaped.
— Luke Wood (@LukeAWood) October 9, 2018
A kid told me that he was running through the woods and saw a snake in front of him, to his left, and to his right. They came at him, so he jumped and grabbed a branch and made them bonk heads. He then escaped.
— Luke Wood (@LukeAWood) October 9, 2018
A kid told me that he was running through the woods and saw a snake in front of him, to his left, and to his right. They came at him, so he jumped and grabbed a branch and made them bonk heads. He then escaped.
— Luke Wood (@LukeAWood) October 9, 2018
my friend said his dad had eggs and beer for breakfast then peed for three hours straight
— Jim Lohmar (@jimlohmar) October 9, 2018
This kid in 3rd grade told me that giving someone the finger was a Hawaiian greeting, so I went around the school the rest of the day flipping people off and saying “Aloha” until a teacher stopped me.
— Mike Blissett (@purplecarnival) October 9, 2018
A kid told me that loads of people had been murdered in his house when he was nine and wrote up a load of fake police reports in courier to prove it. Every one listed the cause of death as KILLED TO DEATH.
— Drankenstein; or, The Modern Promethazine (@bartlebooth45) October 9, 2018
I used to tell kids that I was born in an airplane over England and that I had a tunnel under my house that went straight to McDonald’s.
— Grant Brisbee (@GrantBrisbee) October 9, 2018
this kid named douglas chan told everyone in first grade that his uncle was jackie chan and we all immediately believed him without question
— will (@twothickscoops) October 9, 2018
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