21 Tweets van ouders die de waarheid niet schuwen

Het ouderschap is niet altijd makkelijk, en dat steken deze ouders niet onder stoelen of banken.
1. Een waarheid als een koe
Most of parenting is just getting mad at your kids for being exactly like you.
— Crazy Stalker Mom (@texasstalkermom) 22 januari 2018
2. Een onaflatende stroom
Imagine a sprinkler stuck in the on position and instead of water it’s shooting out words. That’s what it’s like with kids.
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) 25 april 2018
3. Daar kunnen ouders alleen van dromen
Her: I don’t know what I would do without my kids.
Me: me neither! But probably watch a 26 minute show on Netflix in under 6 hours.— pinkerbell (@_freebird99_) 28 januari 2018
4. Het is een ongekend talent
Before I had kids, I didn’t even know it was possible to destroy an entire house with a granola bar.
— Lurkin’ Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) 3 oktober 2014
5. Is het al tijd?
*Wakes up.*
Is it too early to put the kids to bed?
— Walking Outside (@WalkingOutside) 27 april 2018
6. Een bondige samenvatting
Most of parenthood is basically just walking from room to room whispering “WTF?” to yourself.
— Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) 29 november 2017
7. Je bent gewaarschuwd
— Lurkin’ Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) 11 mei 2017
8. Kliekjes zijn nu je leven
You know you’re a true parent when you’ve downed your headache pills with juice from a sippy cup.#parenting
— Jack’s Dad (@DaddingAround) 26 april 2018
9. De struggle is real
To anyone out there thinking about having kids, today my 2 year old threw a temper tantrum because she couldn’t get rid of her shadow.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) 23 maart 2013
10. Waar hebben ze dat nou weer geleerd?
I’d pretend that I limit screen time, if my child didn’t say “Subscribe to our YouTube channel” instead of “goodbye.”
— JenniFerCryinOutLoud (@MiddlingMs) 27 april 2018
11. Alvast excuses voor de komende 15 jaar
Sorry for what I said while I was raising children.
-Me, in about 15 years
— Life📌UɴPιɴтereѕтιɴɢ (@LifeUnPinterest) 16 april 2018
12. Met opeengeklemde kaken…
If you’ve never said “I love you too” in a way that sounds a tad bit angry, then you must not have kids you are trying to put to bed.
— Meredith (@PerfectPending) 1 maart 2016
13. De botox is niet aan te slepen
Becoming a parent has changed me in so many ways. For example I look much much much older now.
— Swishergirl (@Swishergirl24) 26 april 2018
14. Alsof ze het ruiken (padoem psssjjj)
Like a moth to a flame except it’s all 3 of my children and it’s me in the bathroom.
— ☕️MacgyveringMom22🍷 (@MacgyveringM22) 30 april 2018
15. Je leert snel en stil eten
Most of my time as a mother has been spent in a closet, eating something I didn’t want to share.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) 3 februari 2015
16. Waar komen al die sokken toch vandaan?
Parenting is basically just walking around your house picking up dirty socks and threatening to take away everything your kid loves.
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) 30 april 2018
17. Precies op schema
If I start my toddler’s nighttime routine by 6PM I can usually get her to bed by 8PM the following day.
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) 1 mei 2018
18. Niet doen. Níet doen! NIET DOEN!
Who knew being a parent was mostly repeating everything you say with increasing volume and rage.
— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) 2 mei 2018
19. Toen bestond er nog een schoolbordverf
Did you know?
The cave paintings we see today were really just drawings made by cave children, whose cave parents said “screw it” and stopped trying to clean the walls.
— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) 24 april 2018
20. Je hebt nog geen oplossing gevonden, of het nieuwe probleem dient zich alweer aan. Jippie!
The best thing about parenting is that by the time you learn how a thing works, everything has changed
— Dave Learns Dadding (@DaveLearnsToDad) 6 februari 2018
21. En net als Oscar worden wij ook geen seconde met rust gelaten.
Every parent is basically Oscar the Grouch: cranky, unshowered, and living in a trash can.
— SpacedMom (@copymama) 7 mei 2018
Bron: Buzzfeed
LEES OOK: Hahaha! 15 hilarische posts over het ouderschap die té accuraat zijn